Terms and Conditions

Please read carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. Once you begin your tour, by default you accept these terms and conditions.

When Wild Atlantic Tours confirms your booking,  a contract is made between Wild Atlantic Tours and you upon the terms and conditions set out below.  Wild Atlantic Tours hereinafter referred to as ‘we’, will confirm your reservation on receipt of your booking but will only confirm your booking once we have received full payment for your tour.

1. Booking

  1. Once full payment is made, confirmation of your private tour will be emailed to you. This is your confirmation of booking. This  should be printed and saved for own reference.
  2. Once you begin you tour, you accept and abide by these terms and conditions.
  3. We accept no responsibility for incorrect email or inability to deliver email. If your confirmation does not arrive on time or at all, then you must ask us to resend the email confirmation of the tours you have paid for.
  4. All internet bookings will be confirmed by email.
  5. We reserve the right to sell any tours reserved without full payment or a deposit.
  6. It is the responsibility of the passenger to check the accuracy of dates booked upon receipt of their confirmation email.

2.  Insurance

  1.  There is no travel insurance cover included in the price of the ticket.
  2. We take no responsibility for any injuries or loss to you incurred whilst you are taking part in any optional activities that are outside our all inclusive package. We strongly recommend that you take out comprehensive insurance cover for cancellation, medical expenses, personal accident, personal baggage, money and public liability before you travel.  We accept no responsibility for the theft, loss or damage to personal belongings from at any time during the duration of your tour.

3.  Cancellation

  1. Cancellation of your booking must be in writing or by email to Wild Atlantic Tours. When written notification has been received by Wild Atlantic Tours a fee of €50 euros will be levied to cover administration costs.
  2. You are entitled to a full refund only if you give us 7 days notice of your intention to cancel.
  3. If you choose to cancel within 7 days before the start of your tour, no refunds will be granted. You can choose to change your tour departure to another date (subject to availability). Permission to do this up to 48 hours before departure is subject to a €50 fee and is entirely at the discretion of the Wild Atlantic Tours Management.
  4. If the reason for your cancellation is covered under your insurance policy, you may be able to make a claim under that policy.

4.  Refunds

  1. All refunds relating to payments made via PayPal will be processed according to PayPal Terms and Conditions.

5.  Changes by us

  1. Once your booking has been confirmed we will make every effort to provide you with the booked arrangements but reserve the right to alter or cancel the whole or part of the tour in the event of happenings outside the control of Wild Atlantic Tours.  Reasons for doing so may include but shall not be limited to such force majeure matters as extreme adverse local weather conditions or weather warnings, natural disasters, civil strikes or conflict, terrorist activity, fire, flood conditions and similar.
  2. We are constantly striving to make our tours even more brilliant than they are perceived by many to be, therefore should attractions open or become open to us, that we feel will enhance your experience of our beloved motherland then we reserve the right to include these in your best interests.

6.  Travelling

  1. You must obey the laws of the Republic of Ireland and the European Union, whilst travelling with Wild Atlantic Tours.

7.  Your obligations and responsibilities

  1. You must inform us in writing of any medical condition that’s requires attention or medication before your tour commences.
  2. It is your responsibility to have all necessary visas, passports, permits and certificates required for your selected itinerary as well as any necessary vaccinations and to comply with all applicable laws.

8.  Complaints

  1. In the highly unlikely event that you may wish to make a formal complaint against Wild Atlantic Tours, please inform your driver.  If the matter cannot be resolved immediately or during your trip after the Driver/ Representative’s best endeavours to do so, your complaint should be made in writing to Wild AtlanticTours as soon as is reasonably possible after the holiday, but within 30 days thereof so that your complaint can be investigated. You will be assured of respect and courtesy whilst your complaint is being dealt with.

9.  Weather Conditions

  1.  Under no circumstances can we be held responsible for weather conditions. No ticket can be cancelled or amended by you at any time on the basis of weather conditions. We accept no responsibility for weather conditions that may affect the delivery and implementation of our itinerary.
  2. Under certain wind conditions the authorities at the Cliffs of Moher may decide, in their sole discretion, to close the Cliffs of Moher visitor centre. In such a scenario guests may choose whether to approach and view the cliffs at their own risk. If you choose to proceed it will be at your sole discretion and we cannot accept responsibility for any injuries or loss suffered. Please see Paragraph 5. “Changes by us”, subsection 2. for more information governing such “Force Majeure” scenarios.

10.  No Smoking Policy

  1. We do not permit smoking on any of our vehicles.

11.  General

  1. The booking conditions detailed herein contain the entire contract between you and Wild Atlantic Tours.
  2. This contract and all matters arising out of it are governed by Irish law. We both agree that any dispute, claim or other matter which arises out of or in connection with this contract or your holiday will be dealt with by the Courts of the Republic of Ireland only. Changes to these Booking Conditions will only be valid if agreed by Wild Atlantic Tours in writing. Please read carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. Once you begin your tour, by default you accept these terms and conditions.

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